Tuesday, October 23, 2018

My LaTeX template

Today I tried going to a lecture and as expected still learned nothing. Seriously, how the heck do people learn at lectures? I mean, I can kind of understand how people learn during history or psychology lectures since those are heavy on story-telling, but there are no stories in real mathematics and so the college tradition of learning through oral instruction seems a bizarre oral-fixation, in grave need of therapy.

Anyway, I tried to at least try live-LaTeX-transcription of what's written on the board, and almost managed to do that, until I tried compiling and the thing does not compile since the tikz-cd package for drawing commutative diagrams doesn't work, and debugging spent so much time that I completely lost hope of keeping up, not that I originally had any hope of keeping up even without note-taking.

Because really, either it's too easy or it's too hard, it's never at the right speed. If it's too slow I get bored, and lose concentration. If it's too fast I can't understand and lose hope. Books never frustrate me like lectures.

Anyway, here's what I ended up using as a latex template. Might be useful for you.

\documentclass[a4paper, 12pt]{article}
\usepackage [english]{babel}
\usepackage [autostyle, english = american]{csquotes}


\theoremstyle{plain}% default



\title{Poincar\'e Duality}
\author{Twilight Sparkle}
\date{\vspace{-4ex}} % remove to generate date



    A \textbf{manifold} of dimension \(n\) is a space \(M\) such that \(\forall x\in M\) has a neighborhood \(U\) homeomorphic to \(\mathbb{R}^n\). \(M\) is \textbf{closed} if and only if it is compact and without boundary.
The local homology of \(M\) is then 
\[H_i(M, M/\{x\} )\cong \begin{cases}
\mathbb{Z} \quad \text{if } i = n, \\
0 \quad \text{ else}

A \textbf{local orientation} of \(M\) at \(x\) is a choice \(\mu_x\) of \(H_n(M, M/\{x\} )\cong \mathbb{Z}\) of generator (\(\pm 1\)).
We can compare local orientation of "nearby" points. Suppose \(x, y\in B \subset U \subset  M\) with \(U \cong  \mathbb{R}^n\). Then \(\mu_x, \mu_y\) are compatible if 

{H_n(M, M/\{x\})} &  & {H_n(M, M/U)} \arrow[ll, "\cong"] &  & {H_n(M, M/\{y\})} \arrow[ll, "\cong"] \\
\mu_x &  & \mu_U \arrow[ll, maps to] &  & \mu_y \arrow[ll, maps to]

    An \textbf{orientation} of \(M\) is a compatible family of local orientations \(\mu_x\) for \(\forall x\in M\). 

    \(\mathbb{R}P^3\) is \textbf{not} orientable.

    If \(M\)s a closed, oriented \(n\)-manifold, then there is an isomorphism 
{H^k(M, R)} \arrow[rr, "\cong"] &  & {H_{n-k}(M, R)}
for any commutative ring \(R\) and any \(k\in \mathbb{Z}\).

    For \(R = \mathbb{Z}/2\), we don't need \(M\) to be oriented.



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