Friday, June 28, 2019

Short online games recommendation

Each game should be finishable within an hour.

The Company of Myself
Sad philosophical game about a loner.

Missed Message
Interactive fiction. Depression, cyclic day, suicide, lesbianism... also 2018 memes.

Prequel to The Company of Myself. Has comics as transitions. Even sadder.

An AI talks about someone of their lifestory. The AI might be depressed just like their programmer.

Sunday, June 9, 2019

Geometry quickie: volume of a tetrahedron

I saw this formula on Wikipedia for the volume of tetrahedron and was intrigued.
Any two opposite edges of a tetrahedron lie on two skew lines, and the distance between the edges is defined as the distance between the two skew lines. Let $d$ be the distance between the skew lines formed by opposite edges... 
then it gave a volume formula. I want to derive it. This post gives my thought process, where I keep using the trick of reducing a general problem to a good example. This is a general strategy for solving problems, often written as "wlog".
(I write it as "wolog" and pronounce as "volog", as if it's a German adverb. So that I can write "We assume wolog that...", "... and thus wolog we have...")

How would a true geometer approach this problem? She would first do a dimension analysis. The volume has dimension $meter^3$, and the lengths have dimension $meter$, so it ought to look like
$$Volume = k \cdot AB \cdot CD \cdot h$$
where $h$ is the distance between the two skew lines of $AB$ and $CD$, and $k$ is some dimensionless number yet to be determined.

Let's Read: Neuropath (Bakker, 2009)

Neuropath  (Bakker 2009) is a dramatic demonstration of the eliminative materialism worldview of the author R. Scott Bakker. It's very b...