Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Let's Play: Ludum Dare 41

Ludum Dare 41: Combine 2 Incompatible Genres

Splendid Adventures on a Sunday Afternoon

Best story for a Sunday with nothing to do. Perfect for ponies between 6 and 60. Amazing illustrations.
Suddenly, tortoise and the hare.

00Boyfriend - A Spy's Dating Sim

Warning: Surgeon General does not approve of texting while doing spy infiltration work.

Rogue Pawn

Like, chess, but as rpg, and moving around. Super hard.


Turn-based mythological football hexagonal board game.


Beautiful sadness. Contains one amazing cat, one moon making mostly boring jokes, and at least 3 ways to die that I have considered.

My favorite game of the jam.


Rhythm game but with typing. Really hard but fun.

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